
Welcome to Savory~N~Sweet!

Born out of a love for cooking for her husband and ten children and anyone else she can, Misty Cross started Savory~N~Sweet Kitchen Treats! as a Maker-Momma entrepreneurial adventure with her oldest daughter Emily (14 yrs old).

The oldest of seven children, Misty took quickly to cooking as a little girl and by age 11 was handling most of the cooking responsibilities for her family. Through the years she has always loved the challenge of cooking for others whose tastes and dietary needs are out of the norm for her, from learning to make authentic Vietnamese eggrolls to cooking gluten-free meals for friends who were gluten intolerant. She works hard to perfect her recipes until the final product is just right – and that’s what we are offering here at Savory~N~Sweet: confection perfection! From her melt-in-your-mouth cinnamon rolls to her hand rolled, boiled, New York Style bagels these homemade baked goods are a treat indeed!

Now, willing to pass along her secrets, Misty has brought in Emily to help her learn and she has proven to be quite the baker herself, carrying more and more of the baking load as she learns the recipes!

Please feel free to browse our pages here. You’ll find our products and pricing along with an occasional article from Misty herself, and if you keep coming back you’ll find that we’ll be regularly adding new products for you to order through the Savory N Sweet Facebook page and Marketplace! Thanks for your patronage and Bon Appetit!


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